Avoid Common Mortgage Mistakes in Black Hills Home Buying

financial picWe all make financial blunders in our life, wishing we hadn’t splurged on that TV or the impulse purchases we made at the grocery store. We learn from the small mistakes and move on. However, there are larger gaffes that we definitely want to avoid when buying a Black Hills home.

Over-Committing on Your New Home
While you may be able to afford that large house on paper, what makes sense for your lifestyle in everyday life and allotting for extra savings can be another thing. Buying too much house can leave you “house poor,” meaning your monthly housing expenses use up most of your residual income.

Don’t forget that owning a home means other expenses on that home each month and throwing all your income into a mortgage payment can leave you one emergency away from financial ruin. Make sure you have discretionary funds to cover your needs after you’ve paid the major expenses each month.

No one can predict losing a job or facing medical emergencies. Buying a home that affords you the space you need, the ability to update at your own pace and allows you to stay current on your new mortgage while meeting other obligations each month are the keys to being a successful homebuyer.

Skimping on a Home Inspection
In most areas, home inspections aren’t mandatory but that doesn’t mean they should be ignored. Professional inspectors have the expertise to uncover all types of defects and potential problems lurking in that potential new home.

Investing in a home inspection now can save you thousands of dollars in the long run. You can also use that home inspection report as a negotiating tool with the seller to get certain things fixed, negotiate price or to walk away completely from the deal if a major problem is found with the house.

Being Blind to Your Options
A local Realtor® not only can help you with their knowledge of local areas and where to buy, they can also help educate you on your home loan options.

Millions of veterans and service members have access to the historic VA loan program and may not know it. This program offers no down payment, no mortgage insurance and accepts lower credit scores than conventional financing.

There are other local and state home buying assistance programs that you may not be aware of that can help you with your new home loan including a USDA Rural Development Home Loan.

Learning all the mortgage options available allows for sound decision-making and a smooth pre-approval process to make the home buying process easier in the end while saving you money.

Be prepared and realistic with your home buying goals and trust in an experienced Realtor® to help guide you through the process. Our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact Jim Peterson at (605) 574-4444 or June Johnson at (605) 786-7356 at Integrity Realty Team, or email us to discuss how we can help you with all your real estate needs.

Our office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – ours are always open for your convenience! Like us on Facebook to stay current on all upcoming events!

5 Basic Repairs to Boost Your Black Hills Home to Sell

jimjluyIf you are going to take advantage of the great Black Hills housing market and sell your home this summer, inventory is increasing. In April, for-sale inventory in the US increased 4.1% from the previous month and we continue to see month-over-month increases.

This means that there’s more competition when selling your home this summer so be sure to make those little repairs you’ve meant to do, but never made a priority … until now.

Make sure your home makes the top list for Black Hills buyer’s this summer.These 5 basic repairs will help prepare your Black Hills house for the pickiest of buyers:

Clear and Caulk Gutters
After the rains we’ve been having this summer, your gutters most likely need some attention. Clean the debris that’s accumulated in your gutters so that water has a clear path out and away from the home. Make sure to check for leaks, cracks and any other damages to repair. Re-caulk the gutter end caps so that leaking down the side of your home is avoided.

Queue Up Your Entrance
The entrance into your home is one of the first impressions for buyers. Buyers will notice signs of neglect with sagging screen doors and poorly maintained porches.

Make sure everything at the entrance is in good working order. If the screen door has seen better days, it’s best to install a new one or replace the screen part. Check for any missing or corroded hinge screws and make sure the screen closes properly on its own.

A fresh coat of paint on the front door with newly installed handles and locks goes a long way towards making a great first impression. Freshly potted flowers and a nicely swept porch make potential buyers want to enter and see the rest of the home.

Repair Holes and Freshen Paint
Repairing all the nail holes throughout the house and giving all the tired walls a fresh coat of neutral color paint will bring new life into your Black Hills house. Not only will it make the home look newer, it will make it look cleaner and brighter as well. These are things buyers notice immediately and will appreciate as it’s one less thing for them to do upon moving in.

Renew those Baseboards
Scratched and beat-up baseboards can detract buyers from seeing all the good things your home has to offer. The first step is cleaning all the smudges and dust from those baseboards. Then you can fill in any dents and deep gouges with spackle. Finally, painting all the baseboards throughout the home with an eggshell finish can really go a long way in making the home look crisp and clean.

Bring New Life to Cabinets
Not looking to completely replace those worn out cabinets? You can quickly improve the look of your cabinets with an application of products that are made to even-out the surface color and blend scratches. If you want to take it a step further, new knobs and handles can help to give the allusion that your cabinets are newer and will give the rooms a modern, updated look.

Whether you are looking for a year-around home, land, investment or vacation home, our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact Jim Peterson at (605) 574-4444 or June Johnson at (605) 786-7356, or email usto discuss how we can help you with all your real estate needs. Our office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – ours are always open for your convenience!


Founding Fathers in Black Hills Tops New Events for Independence Day

founding fathersIf you are looking for something to do July 4th in the Black Hills region, you don’t have to look far. Endless beauty, six national parks and monuments, abundant wildlife, are just a few of the things that Black Hills can boast about that make the region so popular.

On the Fourth of July, we kick up the American Pride in full Black Hills fashion. Although Mt. Rushmore, Hill City, Spearfish, and Wall may not be having fireworks displays this year, it doesn’t mean there’s any less family fun to be had with parades, festivals and rodeo!

The newest tourist attraction taking place Friday July 4th can be found in the Black Hills, Independence Hall in which a 2,300 lb replica of the liberty bell was recently hung outside of the Black Hills’ own Independence Hall, located at 9815 S. Highway 16. Visitors to the Black Hills’ newest patriotic tourism attraction can also hear a free dramatic reading of the Declaration of Independence by a signer of the Declaration re-enactor that will be followed by the ceremonial ringing of the bell.

At Main Street Square, a celebration will honor past and present military personnel from 2 PM till 8 PM.

However, if you’re looking for fireworks, head down to post 22 for the annual firework show which takes place this Thursday. Elks golf course will hold a firework show on Saturday.

Here are just a few of the events posted below. For a full listing of events around the Black Hills, be sure to check out this Event Calendar to make your plans now.

Post 22 will hold fireworks on Thursday, July 3 at dusk

Arrowhead Golf Course will hold fireworks on Friday, July 4 at dusk

Elks Golf Course will hold fireworks on Saturday, July 5 at dusk

Crazy Horse will not be doing a fireworks display on July 4 in the evening but will hold a Special Mountain Blast at 1:04 p.m. in celebration of Independence Day.

Lead will hold a City fireworks display in conjunction with their Gold Camp Jubilee Days between 9:15 p.m. and 9:45 p.m. on July 4at Manuel Bros Park in front of the Open Cut.

Custer will hold a City fireworks display on July 4.  The display will be held at Pageant Hill at dark, around 9:30 p.m.

Sturgis will have fireworks on July 4 at dusk. They are based out of the Sturgis Fairgrounds on Ball Park Road.

Belle Fourche will hold a City fireworks display on Saturday, July 5 at dusk following the Black Hills Roundup rodeo. If you are attending the Rodeo, you may park at the Rodeo Grounds, otherwise parking is limited and it is suggested to park in residential areas and walk towards the library.

Summer also means the housing market is red hot. Home prices are rising month over month and inventory is gaining. Whether you are looking for a year-around home, land, investment or vacation home, our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact Jim Peterson at (605) 574-4444 or June Johnson at (605) 786-7356, or email usto discuss how we can help you with all your real estate needs. Our office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – ours are always open for your convenience!

July Events Promise Black Hills Fun

jimjuneSummer is full of activities in and around the Black Hills region and the month of July is no exception. The fun begins with a weeklong celebration around Independence Day with the Black Hills Roundup and continues into the following weekend with the Heart of the Hills Parade & Logging Show.

July 3-6 is the Black Hills Roundup in Belle Fourche where thousands of local residents, as well as people from across the country and abroad, come to help celebrate the 4th of July. This oldest continuously-held outdoor rodeo in America is one of the great local pastimes and is great entertainment for the entire family.

This event features top-ranked cowboys and cowgirls competing in barrel races, bareback riding, steer wrestling, bull riding, team roping and more. This year’s world-class livestock will again be provided by Hank and Lori Franzen of Powder River Rodeo and D&H Cattle Company.

The festivities don’t end there. The whole family can also enjoy a week-long carnival, a mile-long parade, BBQ, the Miss Rodeo South Dakota contest and a huge Independence Day fireworks display!

On Saturday July 12, 2014 you can help Hill City celebrate with the Heart of the Hills Parade & Logging Show. Don’t miss the parade that starts at 9am on historic Main Street Then stick around for the logging show at Noon at the Chute Rooster Amphitheater grounds. The logging show is an annual must-see with an exciting axe throw, Choker race, pole tosses, tree falling, logging truck events and more.

Bring your lawn chairs, picnic blanket and umbrella’s to enjoy the show. Bring water to stay hydrated in the heat but enjoy the plethora of local food vendors that will be at the event. Keep the kids busy looking for coins in the sawdust pile.

Summer also means the housing market is red hot. Home prices are rising month over month and inventory is gaining. Whether you are looking for a year-around home, land, investment or vacation home, our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact Jim Peterson at (605) 574-4444 or June Johnson at (605) 786-7356, or email us to discuss how we can help you with all your real estate needs. Our office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – ours are always open for your convenience!

Protect Your Black Hills Home from Severe Summer Weather

jimpSouth Dakota is no stranger to severe weather in all seasons. However, our summer weather can rapidly produce powerful storms at a moment’s notice and cause damage to your home. Because of this, it’s important to have your Black Hills home as ready as possible.

Although, you cannot ever be fully prepared to face tennis size hail balls or tornados or flooding rains, you can take some necessary precautions to protect your property and perhaps help to minimize or limit damage.

Routinely clean your gutters. Clogged gutters can back up the water and cause damage to your siding and foundation.

Keep those tree branches under control. Tree limbs can be very dangerous to the area around them especially in high winds. Make sure to routinely trim off tree limbs that could cause damage such as dead branches or diseased limbs that can easily be ripped off and come through your windows or roof.

Sump pumps come to life during storms. That’s not when you want to realize yours isn’t working properly. You should check it at least once a year, and ideally perform several checks during heavy storm seasons.

Be prepared to board up your home if necessary. It’s a good idea to have extra materials on hand in case you ever need to quickly board up your windows and weak points in your home. Materials to keep together include wooden boards, tools and screws, and filled & stacked sand bags. Keeping these handy can help you to secure your home and avoid major damage.

Secure your outdoor structures. If you have a shed or doghouse on your property, tie them down with the help of two or three tie-down cables moored to the ground. You need only a few cables and stakes to secure them and the expense versus the effectiveness is well worth it!

Designate a protected place to store outdoor furniture. Tree branches and outdoor furniture can become airborne in the event of high winds. It’s imperative to have a place where you can store all your potted plants and outdoor furniture such as a garage or tied-down shed.

In between storms, periodically check and repair leaks. Check for dark spots under pipes inside cabinets, stains on ceilings, toilets that rock and any type of drips at faucets. Also inspect your roof and repair any missing, loose or damaged shingles.

Review your homeowner’s insurance policy annually to make sure there’s sufficient coverage to protect the investment you’ve made in your home. Make temporary repairs after the storm but report any major property damage to your insurance agent or company immediately.

If you are looking to downsize your Rapid City home, upsize to accommodate your growing family or are ready to buy a Custer vacation property, I’d love to talk with you. Our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact me, Jim Peterson, at (605) 574-4444 or email me to discuss how I can help you with all your real estate needs. My office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – mine are always open for your convenience!

South Dakota – Parent to New State Park?

spearfishSouth Dakota and the Black Hills are known for their wide open spaces, state parks, and beautiful backdrops everywhere you look. Now, South Dakota may become a proud parent to another state park with Spearfish Canyon in the Black Hills.

Homestake Mining Co. officials are in negotiations to sell two large parcels of their land located in Spearfish Canyon. These both would be placed into public ownership.

In a briefing last week by two top officials from the state Game, Fish and Park Department, the Spearfish Canyon Foundation would purchase a 73-acre tract, that includes Spearfish Falls, and donate it the department. This is according to Doug Hofer, director for the state Division of Parks and Recreation and likely largest builder of South Dakota’s system of state parks and recreation areas.

The property was appraised at $1,225,000 but foundation officials are attempting to secure it for a smaller amount, Hofer said.

This part of the canyon covers more than a mile and would connect two tracts that were previously purchased in 2004 by GF&P from Homestake at Roughlock Falls and Savoy. The combined totals would be 128 acres surrounded by U.S. Forest Service lands.

The department would also directly purchase a second pacel of 33 acres from Homestake including 3,200 feet of Spearfish Creek at the old Hydro 2 power-plant work in the Canyon. The appraisal currently is $430,000.

If you are ready to buy your new home in the Black Hills Area, I’d love to talk with you. Whether you are interested in homes in Hill City, Custer homes for sale, or Rapid City new homes, we can give you the most comprehensive listings that meet your criteria. Our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact me, Jim Peterson, at (605) 574-4444 or email me to discuss how I can help you with all your real estate needs. My office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – mine are always open for your convenience!

Cruise Over to Belle Fourche for Annual Car Rally

6.5 jimIt’s that time of year again! For all of us that live in the Black Hills region, it’s an annual event that gives us the opportunity to rev up our engines, polish that chrome and show off our rides. That’s right! The 27th Annual Center of the Nation All Car Rally will cruise into Belle Fourche – June 13-14.

Get out those vintage vehicles, muscle cars, street rods, sports cars, low riders and even your modified trucks or off-road vehicles. Pre-registration show & shine event and street dance will kick off Friday night at Scott Peterson Motors. The fun begins at 6pm.

Both participants and spectators will be able to vote for the People’s Choice award to be presented later that evening. Enjoy live music with local band, Twenty-One 20, and top off the night at 8pm with the burnout demonstration that has become a crowd favorite.

The fun continues into Saturday when the action moves to Hermann Park for the all-day car show. Organizers are expecting a wide array of vehicles and over 150 entries. “We will have a little bit of everything,” said Dan Durfee, one of the car show’s committee volunteers. It’s always a lot of fun to see the variety.” For those that love to peruse the vendor booths, they will feature everything from food to auto parts to outdoor living displays.

Whether you prefer getting thrown back in time with the oldies or staying on top of the latest trends in performance vehicles, you won’t be disappointed! For more information, you can check out their Facebook page or read the Black Hills Pioneer’s All Car Rally Edition.

While you are out enjoying all the Black Hills has to offer, be sure to stop by Integrity Realty and let us show you some of our great properties. Whether you are looking for a year-round home, land, investment or vacation home, our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact me, Jim Peterson, at (605) 574-4444 or email meto discuss how I can help you with all your real estate needs. My office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – mine are always open for your convenience!

Successfully Buy or Sell a Second Black Hills Home from Afar

Sunset Creek New Pic 060There’s a good portion of the Black Hills population that is made up of second homeowners.This is truly a great place to have a vacation home for both winter and summer activities! If you’ve been contemplating a vacation home, or if you’re ready to sell the Black Hills home you already own, you needn’t be worried about how to do that from another state. Here are some tips to help you on your way.

The first and most important thing to do is to retain the services of a professional Realtor® who is an expert in the area. Do a bit of research to find a person with whom you can form a solid working relationship and you feel comfortable with. Referrals from other out-of-state buyers and local homeowners are a great way to find a trusted agent.

While interviewing agents, be sure to find out specifically how they plan to work with you from a distance. The agent should be able to use both electronic and traditional ways of interacting with you. If you’re buying a Black Hills home, the agent should also be asking you very specific questions about the type of property, amount of land and specific areas where you want to purchase. They also should be educating you on the best communities to fit your needs and what to expect for each season in terms of weather and upkeep.

If you’re selling your home, the agent you choose should have access to reliable contractors to make any repairs that the home needs, and also to stage it so that it looks its best for showings. Make sure you have a plan for regular, frequent updates about the progress of your listing.

Any agent worth using will also be able to help you through the closing process with a reliable closing provider. You may want to ask for this up front so that you can do a little homework of your own before that time comes.

Our team at Integrity Realty has over 15 years of experience with second homeowners and a love & respect for our South Dakota land. Call me, Jim Peterson, at (605) 574-4444 or email me to discuss how I can help you with all your real estate needs. Our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. My office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – mine are always open for your convenience!

Enjoy Memorial Day Weekend in the Black Hills

jim 5.21Memorial Day began as a somber day of remembrance; a day when Americans went to cemeteries and placed flags or flowers on the graves to honor all those who have died while in the military service. Today, while many of us still take a moment to give thanks to those who have given their lives, it’s also a long 3-day weekend to mark the beginning of summer.

Whether you’re a local resident or just visiting our beautiful Black Hills for the long weekend, there are some great events taking place to help you enjoy the weekend and to help remember our past.

Crazy Horse Memorial is presenting a Memorial Day Weekend Open House from May 23-May 26. Come and enjoy learning about the history of Crazy Horse and the culture & traditions of North American Indians. You can also enjoy viewing local artwork throughout the Visitor Complex by American Indian artists.

Admission this weekend is free to residents of South Dakota, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska and Wyoming. Visitors can also gain free entry by donating 3 cans of food per admission.

If reliving an 1880 Train Old West Shootout is more your speed, be sure to visit the 1880 Train/Black Hills Central Railroad on May 24 at 1:00pm. You can get thrown back in time and become a passenger on the old 1880 train. The excitement doesn’t stop there, however. As a passenger you will enjoy an Old West-style shootout on board the train as it steams through the scenic Black Hills. This is the first of five Old West Shootouts that will be held on board this season.

While you are out enjoying all the Black Hills has to offer, be sure to stop by Integrity Realty and let us show you some of our great properties. Whether you are looking for a year-round home, land, investment or vacation home, our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact me, Jim Peterson, at (605) 574-4444 or email meto discuss how I can help you with all your real estate needs. My office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – mine are always open for your convenience!

Remain Calm While Selling Your Black Hills Home

5.15 jimSelling your home often ranks right up there on the stress scale along with other major life changes, but it really doesn’t have to be like that. Listed below are a few simple tips that can help you minimize the stress of listing and selling your Black Hills home.

First, and maybe most importantly, let your Realtor® take the wheel. Jim & June at Integrity Realty are professionals trained to help you buy and sell property. Making sure your agent is qualified should be the deciding factor. A good agent will know your market, and they will have lots of ideas about how best to show your home’s advantages to just the right demographic.

It can be intrusive having people you don’t know come into your home with a critical eye. Before you let anyone in the door, do a little prep work to simplify the process. De-clutter your home, even if it means getting a temporary off-site storage space. Make checklists for the sale of your home, your move, and any other daily routines that are important to keep going during this process.

Include a quick list for a quick clean up in case a last minute showing comes calling. Keeping plenty of paper towels and cleaning wipes on hand can help to make a quick clean-up go more smoothly. You may also want to eat out more often during this time to help keep your kitchen clean.

Give yourself a break. We’re at a great advantage in the Black Hills with our beautiful sights, local parks, and great shops in Hill City. Take walks, go for a drive or do some sidewalk shopping. If you can manage it, get away for a long weekend. Sometimes just being physically away from your home can help you get things back into perspective.

If fishing is the best way to help take your mind off your worries, May 17-19 is free admission to South Dakota parks and fishing areas. Anglers can fish without a license anywhere in the state, and entrance fees are waived for all visitors to South Dakota’s state parks and recreation areas. But camping fees, fishing regulations, and limits still apply.

Selling your Black Hills home doesn’t need to send you over the edge. We can help you keep your calm. At Integrity Realty, we determine the value of Black Hills area homes daily. I’d love to talk with you about giving you a Comparative Market Analysis of your home to determine the best course of action for you.

Our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact me, Jim Peterson, at (605) 574-4444 or email meto discuss how I can help you with all your real estate needs. My office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – mine are always open for your convenience!