Stage Your Rapid City Home to Sell

jp 2-25-15Homes are selling quickly in Rapid City. At the end of last year the average number of days a home was on the market in our area was 52 days, down from 61 days when compared to the same period of time last year. In order to get the best price for your home and to sell it quickly consider staging it. Now is the perfect time to sell your Rapid City home.

Here are a few easy and quick tips to help stage your Rapid City home.

Window Treatments

Look at all the windows in your home and ask yourself if the current window coverings are clean, appear to be in new condition, and are not dated.  If you cannot honestly say that your current window coverings are modern and in excellent condition then consider getting new window treatments.  There are a wide variety of colors and textures of window treatments on the market today. When choosing new window coverings for your Black Hills home look for ones that allow a large amount of light into the room.


Did you know that bathrooms have been known to be the top selling point in a home? A bathroom with old outdated tile can quickly steer a potential buyer away from your home. Replacing tile in your bathroom can be very costly. An alternative is to paint the tiles, which will give them a new modern look. Start by priming the tiles with a high adhesion primer. Next, paint the tiles with a ceramic epoxy coating. This fairly affordable and easy to do job can quickly change the appearance of your bathroom.


There is nothing more inviting during the holiday season than a brick fireplace adorned with festive decorations and hung with stockings. However, the rest of the year the fireplace really does not do the rest of the room justice. If you have an older brick fireplace consider adding a thin coat of paint to the bricks. When painting the bricks you do not want to paint the mortar. This can be a time intensive project but the end result and payoff is well worth it.


Look around your home and pack away any personal items. This is the easiest and most affordable staging tip. Research has shown that by de-personalizing your home potential buyers are more likely to be able to picture living there. While removing personal photos throughout your home, also take the time to remove clutter. Remove any items that you may have on your kitchen and bathroom countertops.

Sellers in Rapid City received 98.07% of their listing price in January which was up from 95.7% in January 2014. Whether you are looking for a year-around home, land, investment or vacation home, our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact me, Jim Peterson, at (605) 574-4444 or email me to discuss how I can help you with all your real estate needs. My office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – mine are always open for your convenience!

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