4 Reasons to Sell Your Black Hills Home Before Winter

97996746-300x186Seasons are quickly changing here in the Black Hills area. The changes will bring the holiday season upon us before we even realize it.  If you are on the fence about selling your home here are four reasons to sell before winter hits.

  1. Less Competition – Housing supply across the country continues to be under a six month’s supply. This means that in many housing markets across the nation there are not enough homes on the market to meet the demand for the number of buyers. The good news is that this is has helped boost home prices.  However, the amount of inventory homes for sale is about to change.  Many homeowners were unable to sell as a result of a negative equity situation, and that is now changing.  More and more homeowners are seeing positive equity in their homes as the housing market in the Black Hills area and across the nation strengthens. The choice buyers will face will only continue to increase and more homeowners decide to sell. Don’t wait until they all hit the market before you decide to sell your home.
  2. Strong Demand- The latest reports show that the actual number of people physically looking to buy a home right now is higher than it has been in the last 12 months. That means there are buyers out there willing and ready to buy. As we continue to progress later into the year, holidays and weather can distract these buyers from searching for their dream home. Take advantage of the buyers ready to buy now.
  3. Time to Move Up- If you are looking to move to a larger home then consider doing it now. Home prices are expected to increase by 19% by 2018. If you are planning on buying a higher priced home, it will cost you more the longer you wait. Mortgage interest rates are still low and they too are expected to be on the rise.
  4. Timelier Process- One of the biggest complaints in regards to the housing market this year has been the length of time it can take from contract to closing. Lenders are requiring more paperwork than ever before. During the holiday season the delay can be longer.  Getting your Black Hills home on the market and sold before then will help prevent those delays.

Now is a great time to sell your home. Our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact Jim Peterson at (605) 574-4444 or June Johnson at (605) 786-7356 at Integrity Realty Team, or email us to discuss how we can help you with all your real estate needs.

Our office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – ours are always open for your convenience! Like us on Facebook for all upcoming events!

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