Seven Great Tips to Keep Your Black Hills Home Tidy

2.28 keep your house tidyWhen selling your Black Hills home, you may go into “panic mode” for having to have your house as tidy as possible at all times. Keeping a presentable facade and being flexible in showing your home doesn’t have to be time consuming or stressful. With a little planning and discipline, you can be show-ready when you get the call that a buyer wants to view your home.

Here are seven great tips to keeping your home organized and looking presentable at a moment’s notice:

  1. Set up an area for your necessities. Set aside one section of your home as headquarters for your keys, cell phone chargers, lists, etc. If you have a niche on your kitchen counter area, set aside room there. However, a table in the entryway or office can work as well. Use drawers to store items out of sight and make sure everything has its own place.
  2. Plan Ahead. More often than not, potential buyers want to see your home on their schedule, and many times that means after work and around dinner time. Planning ahead for easy-to-make and low-mess dinners will help to keep kitchen clean-up to a minimum. If you have a lot of foot traffic into your home, premade meals may help to alleviate stress and maximize the time you have to sit and enjoy dinner with your family.
  3. Stick to a schedule. Dust on Monday, mop on Tuesday, deep clean the bathroom on Wednesday, etc. If you do these tasks a little at a time, you’ll end up only needing to de-clutter before potential buyer’s come into the home. Make sure to recruit the whole family in helping you clean the house; you’ll have more time for extracurricular activities if everyone pitches in.
  4. Put everything in its place. Items such as backpacks, jackets, umbrellas, shoes and keys should all go in the same spot when you return home each night. Not only is this a good habit for the kids to get into, but it will also help to make the home look less cluttered when buyers come in.
  5. Utilize shelving. It’s always a good idea to get rid of, or pack up, what you don’t need so that your house looks less cluttered. However, if you still run out of space to store items, start thinking vertically. Closet organizers can be a great benefit to your house and help to show off all the room you do have in the home.
  6. Don’t procrastinate. Clean and organize as you go. If you have ten minutes until dinner is done, empty the dishwasher or throw in a load of laundry. Keep household cleansers within reach so you can sanitize the kitchen counter as soon as you finish cooking or quickly wipe down the bathroom sink or toilet in anticipation for guests.
  7. Make technology work for you. If you’re a tech-savvy smartphone user, check out apps that can help you save time and stay organized. Using apps for grocery lists, reminders and to-do’s help to keep your house free from additional paper that can start to clutter areas in your home.

If you are thinking of selling your Black Hills home, you should know exactly what it’s worth before making such an important decision.  At Integrity Realty, we determine the value of Black Hills area homes daily. I’d love to talk with you about giving you a Comparative Market Analysis of your home to determine the best course of action for you.

Our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact me, Jim Peterson, at (605) 574-4444 or email me to discuss how I can help you with all your real estate needs. My office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – mine are always open for your convenience!

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