Black Hills Revving Up for Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

sturgisSTURGIS  ~  Biker or not, chances are you’ve heard about the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally; an annual event that brings motorcycle enthusiasts, fans, exhibitors and onlookers to South Dakota.  The hum of the bikes can be heard for miles around the Black Hills area and marks the kickoff to the annual rally which this year is August 5-11 2013.

The city of Sturgis spends upwards of $1 million to host the six-day rally that brings hundreds of thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts to the city and surrounding Black Hills. It’s an experience of a lifetime where locals show you down-home hospitality and hundreds of visiting exhibitors can offer you anything and everything you’d want to dress up the bike or your body … did you know you can get matching tattoos on both your body and bike?

I know motorcycle enthusiasts of all walks and sizes that spend time getting the bikes together, trailers rented, and lodging set months, even years, in advance to ensure smooth travel to Sturgis. The diehards ride all the way to Sturgis while others travel with their bikes in tow to wait till arriving before revving up those engines.

Not a biker? There’s still great fun to be had at the Rally. The entertainment never stops, there’s great food and drink, and you’ll meet some great people from all around the world. The only thing you are required to bring is an open mind! Check out the events schedule to determine which events are a must-see.

If you are coming in for the fun, take some time to realize the beauty of South Dakota and the surrounding communities in and around Sturgis. Now is a great time to find an investment property in Deadwood, vacation home in Spearfish, or even a home in Sturgis itself. Our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact me, Jim Peterson, at (605) 574-4444 or email me to discuss how I can help you with all your real estate needs. My office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – mine are always open for your convenience! Like me on Facebook for all upcoming events!

Summer Selling Tips for your Rapid City Home

ImageSelling your Rapid City home in the summer can be a little more difficult than other seasons.  The heat we’ve had in July can drive buyers from looking, and instead they are focusing on their summer tasks at hand; vacationing, summer type activities and keeping their kids occupied while out of school.

If you look at the numbers throughout the nation, summer ranks a meager third place behind spring and fall in the best times to sell a home. However, the Black Hills area has the advantage of folks looking for investment or vacation homes!

Here are some “out of the box” tips to attract and impress summertime buyers who are looking for a great Rapid City home:

Boost Curb Appeal
Grass grows faster in the summer so you will need to mow twice a week to keep it neat and always looking trim.  For added dimension and curb appeal, mow the lawn on the diagonal every other time you cut your lawn. Make sure to plant pops of color within the landscape to bring buyers in and show how well your home is taken care of.

Summer Inspired Accents
Whites and blues are great summer colors; white is a pure summer color while vivid blues create a calming effect.  Use these bright summer hues with accent pillows, throw rugs and accessories to brighten your indoor and outdoor spaces.

Contrast with Metals
Metals are summery and don’t be afraid to use them … all of them – gold, silver, pewter – no matter, mix them all with your vases, mirrors, frames, hanging planters and even garden gnomes. Powdered metals do not get hot in the outdoor sun and can be a great option for outdoor spaces.

Welcome in the Light
Now is the time to throw back those window coverings and let in all that glorious sunlight and beautiful nature backdrop. Closed curtains or blinds will make your rooms appear smaller and darker so make sure all are open while showing your home.

Stay Natural with Scents
Keep clear from strong air fresheners that can overwhelm sensitive noses and those with allergies.  Try some simple cinnamon sticks, fresh baked cookies or even some cut lemons with water to give a subtle fresh home smell.

Long Summer Days Mean Being Flexible
Summer means longer days and daylight till almost bedtime.  You may find that buyers prefer to view homes in twilight hours when temperatures drop. They can request to view your home after dinner or on a Friday afternoon when it’s a good reason to leave work early. Try to be flexible in your viewing hours and have a quick plan for the entire family to do some quick clean-up to always be prepared.

Keep Buyers Comfortable
Circulate the air in your home even if you have to use fans.  Walking into a hot and stuffy house is uncomfortable and does not make a good first impression. On the reverse, walking into a foyer just to instantly be frozen isn’t good either. Turn down the A/C just below your comfort zone so that potential buyers enjoy walking through your home and dread going back out into the heat.

If you are thinking of selling your Rapid City home, you should know exactly what it’s worth before making such an important decision.  At Integrity Realty, we determine the value of Black Hills area homes daily. I’d love to talk with you about giving you a Comparative Market Analysis of your home to determine the best course of action for you. Our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact me, Jim Peterson, at (605) 574-4444 or email me to discuss how I can help you with all your real estate needs. My office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – mine are always open for your convenience!

Commercial Real Estate Growing in Black Hills Region

ThImagee Black Hills, South Dakota area may be known for its millions of acres of beautiful forest, premier vacation spots and great towns such as Hill City or Rapid City, but commercial real estate is making an emergence as well. A recent article from Mortgage News Daily shows that many of the Black Hills area towns are making a comeback in population while prices are still low.

Commercial real estate in South Dakota is among the best priced real estate in the country. It certainly has the land available to be developed into affordable housing developments, retail complexes and industrial spaces. While many young adults seem to be flocking to more metropolitan areas of the country, studies have shown that young South Dakotans are staying true to their roots; many obtaining a higher education and moving to local cities gaining in population such as Sioux Falls and the Black Hills region.

With tourism bringing in over $2 billion a year in our area, there is great potential in reviving the lodging, restaurants, and retail stores already standing in tourists cities such as Deadwood, Hill City, and Sioux Falls. While prices are still low, now is a great time for new business owners to buy-in before prices begin to rise significantly.

There are also great incentives, including tax policies, for opening a business in the Black Hills area:

  • No personal income tax levied on your business or employees.
  • For smaller business owners, South Dakota does not have a state levied property tax.
  • There are plenty of vacant lots already zoned to be developed into commercial real estate at reasonable prices.
  • The Black Hills Region is a rapidly growing area; there will be a need for more lodging, restaurants and stores as the population grows.

If you are interested in looking to purchase commercial real estate in the Black Hills area, I can help! If you are ready to purchase a home in the Custer Area, look at investment land in Hot Springs, or a vacation home in Hill City, I’d love to talk with you.  Our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact me, Jim Peterson, at (605) 574-4444 or email me to discuss how I can help you with all your real estate needs. My office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – mine are always open for your convenience!

Buying a Black Hills Vacation Home

peterson vacationThe Black Hills of South Dakota is a perfect place for a vacation home! However, buying a vacation home is a very different experience than buying a primary residence. If you are trying to decide if a vacation home is the right investment for you – or if you have already decided to begin looking, here are some guidelines:

Vacation Home Versus Investment
When determining the features you want or need in a second home, you must first determine if this will truly be a “home away from home” or if this going to mainly be used for investment purposes. Typically a buyer’s wish-list for many convenience items will differ depending on the answer.

To Rent or Not to Rent
There is no wrong answer here! Just be sure to research how the property’s use may affect your financing options and taxes. While renting out your vacation home can provide additional income, renting it for more than a few weeks a year may change the classification of your home as an investment property; making it ineligible for full mortgage interest tax deductions. However, there potential benefits for rented vacation homes including deductions for property management and rental expenses. This is where utilizing a Realtor® with expertise in vacation home and investment properties can be invaluable to help you determine the best option for you.

Vacation Home or Future Primary Residence
When looking at vacation properties, one aspect to focus on is quality-of- life amenities for your family. Often times, a vacation home can eventually turn into your primary residence in later years so be sure it has the amenities you are desiring or it has the capabilities for them to be added when  desired. Look at your current home and list those items that you use in your regular day-to-day life and add them to your vacation home wish-list!

Consider Realistic Expenses
Consider all the expenses involved in each potential vacation home. Expenses include things such as garbage collection, snow removal, outdoor maintenance and clean-up, and yearly home maintenance. Now is the time to realistically to put these in your budget as well as if you want a property management company to assist.

Rapid City, Hill City, Black Hills and surrounding areas … all great places for vacation homes no matter the season. If you are ready to buy a vacation or investment property; or just have questions on if it’s the right choice for you – I’d love to talk with you. Our expertise in the Black Hills or Rapid City markets will ensure you a stress-free experience. Contact me, Jim Peterson, at (605) 574-4444 or email me to discuss how I can help you with all your real estate needs. My office is in the heart of Hill City and as a tourist spot, restrooms are hard to find – mine are always open for your convenience!